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Publications - Discussion Papers & Consultative Memoranda

179 publications
Publication year:

2002 DP/CM 119: Unfair Terms in Contracts

2001 DP/CM 118: Limited Partnerships Act 1907

2001 DP/CM 117: Irritancy in Leases of Land

2001 DP/CM 116: Title to Sue for Non-Patrimonial Loss

2001 DP/CM 115: Age of Criminal Responsibility

2001 DP/CM 114: Sharp v Thomson

2001 DP/CM 113: Law of the Foreshore and Seabed

2001 DP/CM 112: Conversion of Long Leases

2000 DP/CM 111: Partnership Law

1999 DP/CM 110: Poinding and Sale: Effective Enforcement and Debtor Protection