Commissioners and staff
The Rt Hon Lady Paton
Lady Paton was appointed as Chair of the Scottish Law Commission with effect from 1 January 2019. A two-year extension commenced on
1 January 2024.
Lady Paton serves as Chair on a part-time basis, for 60% of her time; and otherwise serves as a Senator of the College of Justice for the remaining 40%. Lady Paton is an appeal court judge in Scotland. Having graduated MA LLB in 1974, she became an advocate at the Scottish Bar in 1977, a QC in 1990, a judge in 2000, and an appeal court judge in 2007. She is experienced in both civil and criminal law, and prosecuted crime in the High Court as an advocate-depute (1992-1995). Lady Paton served on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (1995-1999) and the Parole Board (2003-2007). Her publications include Gloag & Henderson, Law of Scotland (8th, 9th and 10th editions) and McEwan & Paton, Damages for Personal Injuries in Scotland (1st and 2nd editions).
Lady Paton is the lead Commissioner on the homicide project and the damages project.

David Bartos
David Bartos was appointed a full-time Commissioner in April 2020.
Having graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a First Class Degree, he has practised as an Advocate since 1993, having specialised in landlord/tenant, property, insolvency and inheritance disputes. He was a chairperson of the Housing and Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland from 2011 until his appointment as a Commissioner.
He is a practising arbitrator, being a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since 2007 having also acted as an arbitral-tribunal appointed expert on commercial leases.
He is co-author of the sixth edition of Bartos and Meston on the Succession (Scotland) Act, has co-authored two editions of Dundas and Bartos on the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 and published articles on property issues and cryptocurrency.
David is the lead Commissioner on the aspects of leases project and on the recently completed automated vehicles project which was undertaken jointly with the Law Commission of England and Wales

Professor Gillian Black
Professor Gillian Black was appointed a part-time Commissioner in April 2020, and the appointment became a full-time one from 1 June 2023.
She is Professor of Scots Private Law at the University of Edinburgh, with teaching and research interests principally in family law, contract law, and privacy. She also has a research interest in heraldry, and has published widely across these fields.
Before joining Edinburgh Law School as a Lecturer in 2005, Gillian qualified as a solicitor in 2002 with Shepherd & Wedderburn in Edinburgh, working in their Commercial Contracts division, and then spent 18 months as a teaching assistant in the School of Law at the University of Glasgow. She completed her PhD on publicity rights in Scots law in 2009. She is a graduate of the Universities of Glasgow (LLB, DPLP) and Edinburgh (PhD).
Gillian is the lead Commissioner on the aspects of family law project.

Professor Frankie McCarthy
Professor Frankie McCarthy was appointed a full-time Commissioner in October 2019. A three-year extension commences on 1 October 2024.
She is a Professor of Private Law at the University of Glasgow, where she has taught since 2007. Her teaching and research interests are in property law and family law, and she has published widely in relation to both. She was awarded her PhD for a thesis exploring the limits of Article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights. She is a graduate of the Universities of Edinburgh (LLB, DPLP) and Glasgow (PhD) and was admitted as a Solicitor by the Law Society of Scotland in 2004.
Frankie is the lead Commissioner on the heritable securities project and the tenements project.

Ann Stewart
Ann Stewart was appointed a part-time Commissioner in April 2024.
Ann Stewart has been a professional support lawyer at Shepherd and Wedderburn for the last 22 years. She is a founder member of the Property Standardisation Group, which produces standardised commercial property documents, and the lead author of a legal textbook, Conveyancing Practice in Scotland, now in its ninth edition. She is also a member of the Law Society of Scotland’s Property Law Committee. In all of these roles Ann seeks to provide clear and practical guidance and support to property lawyers in Scotland.
Ann is the lead Commissioner on the execution of documents project.

Chief Executive
Rachel Rayner
Rachel was appointed Chief Executive in July 2024
Rachel is a solicitor and is on secondment from the Scottish Government. She has worked as a solicitor for several local authorities dealing with contracts and commercial matters and for the UK Government dealing with social security, pensions and health. Since moving to Scotland, she has undertaken a number of posts in the Scottish Government Legal Directorate and also spent time working in the Office of the Advocate General and as part of the review team for the Carloway Review.

Legal staff
Government Legal Service for Scotland
Julie Bain*
Stephen Crilly
Mariel Kaney
Graham McGlashan
Alastair Smith*
Lorraine Stirling
Rebecca Farquhar
Natalie Fowler
Rachael Irvine
Julia Lopatka
Non-Legal staff
Library and Information Services
Emma McLarty*
Executive Assistants
Wilma Campbell
Scott Macdonald
Administrative Assistant
Gordon Speirs
* Part-Time