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442 publications
Publication year:

1977 DP/CM 39: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: Formalities of Constitution and Restrictions on Proof

1977 DP/CM 38: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: Stipulations in Favour of Third Parties

1977 DP/CM 37: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: Abortive Constitution

1977 DP/CM 36: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: Formation of Contract

1977 DP/CM 35: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: Unilateral Promises

1977 DP/CM 34: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations: General Introduction and Summary of Provisional Proposals

1976 Report 42: Family Law: Report on Liability for Adultery and Enticement of a Spouse

1976 Report 41: Tenth Annual Report 1974-75


No legislation required.

1976 DP/CM 33: Law of Rights in Security - Company Law - Registration of Charges: Scotland

1976 DP/CM 32: Comments on White Paper - Our Changing Democracy: Devolution to Scotland and Wales