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Publications - Discussion Papers & Consultative Memoranda
1986 DP/CM 69: Intestate Succession and Legal Rights
- Related project: Succession
- Resulting Reports: Rep 124 - Report on Succession
1986 DP/CM 68: Computer Crime
1986 DP/CM 65: Legal Capacity and Responsibility of Minors and Pupils
1985 DP/CM 67: Child Abduction
1985 DP/CM 66: Constitution and Proof of Voluntary Obligations and the Authentication of Writings
1985 DP/CM 64: Private International Law: Choice of Law Rules in Marriage
1985 DP/CM 63: Private International Law: The Law of Domicile
1984 DP/CM 62: Private International Law: Choice of Law in Tort and Delict
1984 DP/CM 61: Attempted Homicide
No resulting report.
1984 DP/CM 60: Mobbing and Rioting
No resulting report.